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Outcome Period Values as of 7/26/2024 at 4:00 PM ET
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Cap (Net)
Buffer (Net)
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Buffer (Net)
Outcome Period
BGLD Deep Buffer GLD $20.81/ 2.36% $220.63/ 2.47% 6.94% 9.64% -7.41% 35 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DAPR Deep Buffer April SPY $35.41/ 5.98% $544.39/ 9.94% 8.20% 25.17% -11.16% 265 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DAUG Deep Buffer August SPY $38.05/ 14.04% $544.39/ 24.72% 0.31% 26.43% -17.44% 21 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DDEC Deep Buffer December SPY $38.63/ 8.96% $544.39/ 15.99% 4.15% 26.04% -13.61% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DFEB Deep Buffer February SPY $40.43/ 6.11% $544.39/ 8.98% 7.61% 24.48% -11.29% 210 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DJAN Deep Buffer January SPY $37.22/ 7.39% $544.39/ 12.84% 5.31% 25.64% -12.33% 175 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DJUL Deep Buffer July SPY $39.81/ -0.36% $544.39/ -0.84% 13.59% 23.90% -5.50% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DJUN Deep Buffer June SPY $40.92/ 0.26% $544.39/ -0.02% 13.49% 23.89% -6.09% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DMAR Deep Buffer March SPY $36.06/ 4.85% $544.39/ 6.78% 9.25% 24.23% -10.22% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DMAY Deep Buffer May SPY $38.50/ 2.42% $544.39/ 2.82% 11.87% 23.85% -8.07% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DNOV Deep Buffer November SPY $41.56/ 11.17% $544.39/ 20.76% 2.74% 26.73% -15.31% 112 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DOCT Deep Buffer October SPY $38.54/ 12.85% $544.39/ 29.25% 1.49% 29.27% -16.57% 84 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
DSEP Deep Buffer September SPY $39.28/ 13.02% $544.39/ 22.78% 1.25% 26.28% -16.71% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FAPR Buffer April SPY $39.08/ 6.86% $544.39/ 9.94% 9.38% 10.93% -7.21% 265 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FAUG Buffer August SPY $44.31/ 17.28% $544.39/ 24.72% 0.49% 12.38% -15.46% 21 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FDEC Buffer December SPY $42.66/ 10.44% $544.39/ 15.99% 4.84% 12.17% -10.23% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FFEB Buffer February SPY $46.89/ 6.82% $544.39/ 8.98% 8.55% 10.22% -7.20% 210 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FJAN Buffer January SPY $43.50/ 8.43% $544.39/ 12.84% 5.92% 11.69% -8.56% 175 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FJUL Buffer July SPY $46.14/ -0.41% $544.39/ -0.84% 15.31% 8.80% -0.44% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FJUN Buffer June SPY $48.45/ 0.29% $544.39/ -0.02% 14.75% 8.85% -1.13% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FMAR Buffer March SPY $40.66/ 5.34% $544.39/ 6.78% 10.37% 9.82% -5.89% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FMAY Buffer May SPY $44.69/ 2.35% $544.39/ 2.82% 12.43% 9.34% -3.13% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FNOV Buffer November SPY $46.16/ 12.99% $544.39/ 20.76% 3.20% 13.23% -12.25% 112 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FOCT Buffer October SPY $41.67/ 16.00% $544.39/ 29.25% 1.72% 15.84% -14.52% 84 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FSEP Buffer September SPY $43.90/ 15.48% $544.39/ 22.78% 1.61% 12.55% -14.15% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GAPR Moderate Buffer April SPY $35.75/ 5.78% $544.39/ 9.94% 7.76% 16.42% -6.26% 265 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GAUG Moderate Buffer August SPY $33.85/ 14.04% $544.39/ 24.72% 0.33% 18.79% -13.05% 21 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GDEC Moderate Buffer December SPY $32.53/ 8.27% $544.39/ 15.99% 3.86% 18.28% -8.44% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GFEB Moderate Buffer February SPY $35.51/ 5.83% $544.39/ 8.98% 6.87% 15.69% -6.32% 210 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GJAN Moderate Buffer January SPY $36.98/ 6.89% $544.39/ 12.84% 4.88% 17.43% -7.24% 175 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GJUL Moderate Buffer July SPY $34.78/ -0.34% $544.39/ -0.84% 12.70% 13.77% -0.51% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GJUN Moderate Buffer June SPY $34.16/ 0.39% $544.39/ -0.02% 12.22% 13.75% -1.23% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GMAR Moderate Buffer March SPY $35.54/ 4.68% $544.39/ 6.78% 8.44% 15.10% -5.29% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GMAY Moderate Buffer May SPY $35.04/ 2.14% $544.39/ 2.82% 10.39% 14.41% -2.92% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GNOV Moderate Buffer November SPY $33.89/ 10.54% $544.39/ 20.76% 2.61% 19.31% -10.30% 112 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GOCT Moderate Buffer October SPY $34.24/ 12.89% $544.39/ 29.25% 1.56% 22.06% -12.17% 84 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
GSEP Moderate Buffer September SPY $33.95/ 12.61% $544.39/ 22.78% 1.15% 18.81% -11.96% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
JULM Max Buffer July SPY $30.40/ 0.30% $544.39/ 0.58% 7.29% 98.86% -1.14% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
JUNM Max Buffer June SPY $30.62/ 0.40% $544.39/ -0.02% 7.80% 98.75% -1.25% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
MARM Max Buffer March SPY $29.82/ 2.62% $544.39/ 4.93% 5.62% 96.63% -3.37% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QCAP Conservative Buffer April QQQ $21.01/ 5.54% $463.01/ 11.66% 8.32% 22.26% -6.10% 265 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QCJL Conservative Buffer July QQQ $19.81/ -0.78% $463.01/ -2.57% 14.00% 17.77% -0.12% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QDEC Buffer December QQQ $25.79/ 10.02% $463.01/ 14.29% 7.32% 11.32% -9.94% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QJUN Buffer June QQQ $25.97/ -1.77% $463.01/ -3.58% 20.53% 7.55% 0.00% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QMAR Buffer March QQQ $27.51/ 5.58% $463.01/ 6.70% 13.64% 9.50% -6.15% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QMMY Moderate Buffer May QQQ $20.24/ 1.83% $463.01/ 2.49% 12.97% 14.39% -2.68% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
QSPT Buffer September QQQ $25.91/ 17.15% $463.22/ 24.92% 2.51% 12.54% -15.42% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
RSJN Buffer June RSP $30.80/ 2.18% $169.75/ 2.51% 15.66% 9.24% -2.96% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
SAUG Moderate Buffer August IWM $23.20/ 16.34% $224.24/ 21.44% 1.57% 15.19% -14.82% 21 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
SFEB Moderate Buffer February IWM $21.16/ 7.08% $224.24/ 11.20% 10.54% 16.10% -7.46% 210 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
SMAY Moderate Buffer May IWM $24.43/ 4.03% $224.24/ 7.77% 12.50% 16.39% -4.73% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
SNOV Moderate Buffer November IWM $22.57/ 13.03% $224.24/ 25.77% 3.54% 20.10% -12.32% 112 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XAPR Enhance & Moderate Buffer April SPY $31.12/ 4.75% $544.39/ 9.94% 6.14% 17.34% -5.34% 265 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XAUG Enhance & Moderate Buffer August SPY $33.01/ 11.20% $544.39/ 24.72% 0.25% 21.01% -10.83% 21 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XDEC Enhance & Moderate Buffer December SPY $36.19/ 6.69% $544.39/ 15.99% 3.01% 19.64% -7.08% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XFEB Enhance & Moderate Buffer February SPY $31.42/ 4.82% $544.39/ 8.98% 5.09% 16.59% -5.42% 210 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XIDE Buffer and Premium Income December SPY $30.41/ 1.22% $544.39/ 15.99% ------ 21.20% ------ 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XIJN Buffer and Premium Income June SPY $30.69/ 0.65% $544.39/ -0.02% ------ 9.34% ------ 329 days N/A
XIMR Buffer and Premium Income March SPY $31.10/ 1.07% $544.39/ 6.15% ------ 14.16% ------ 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XISE Buffer and Premium Income September SPY $30.50/ 1.16% $544.39/ 22.78% ------ 25.55% ------ 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XJAN Enhance & Moderate Buffer January SPY $32.59/ 5.54% $544.39/ 12.84% 3.84% 18.62% -6.05% 175 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XJUL Enhance & Moderate Buffer July SPY $33.89/ -0.20% $544.39/ -0.84% 10.09% 13.63% -0.65% 357 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XJUN Enhance & Moderate Buffer June SPY $36.91/ 0.38% $544.39/ -0.02% 9.44% 13.76% -1.22% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XMAR Enhance & Moderate Buffer March SPY $34.68/ 4.20% $544.39/ 6.78% 6.24% 15.54% -4.86% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XMAY Enhance & Moderate Buffer May SPY $30.24/ 1.98% $544.39/ 2.82% 7.80% 14.56% -2.77% 294 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XNOV Enhance & Moderate Buffer November SPY $33.19/ 8.26% $544.39/ 20.76% 2.03% 21.20% -8.41% 112 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XOCT Enhance & Moderate Buffer October SPY $33.51/ 10.49% $544.39/ 29.25% 1.33% 23.98% -10.26% 84 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
XSEP Enhance & Moderate Buffer September SPY $37.89/ 9.98% $544.39/ 22.78% 0.88% 20.92% -9.85% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
YDEC Moderate Buffer December EFA $23.84/ 6.23% $79.45/ 6.87% 10.59% 13.73% -6.73% 147 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
YJUN Moderate Buffer June EFA $22.15/ 1.34% $79.45/ 1.92% 13.98% 14.39% -2.21% 329 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
YMAR Moderate Buffer March EFA $23.41/ 1.63% $79.45/ 0.70% 13.05% 13.09% -2.50% 238 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
YSEP Buffer September EFA $21.90/ 10.81% $79.45/ 11.30% 8.02% 8.56% -10.58% 56 days Click here to download a Fact Sheet
Net - After fees and expenses, excluding brokerage commissions, trading fees, taxes and extraordinary expenses not included in the Fund's management fee.
Fund Value/Return - The value and the price return of the Fund since the start of the Outcome Period.
Reference Asset/Value Return - The value and the price return of the Reference Asset since the start of the Outcome Period.
Remaining Cap - Based on the Fund's value, the best potential return if held to the end of the Outcome Period, assuming the Reference Asset meets or exceeds the Reference Asset Cap Value.
Remaining Buffer - The current amount of the Fund's stated Buffer remaining based on the Fund's current value.
Remaining Outcome Period - The number of days remaining until the end of the Outcome Period.
Downside Before Buffer - Based on the Fund value, the amount of the Fund loss that can be incurred prior to the buffer taking effect.
Please Note - The Fund values shown are based on the Fund’s bid/ask midpoint as of the date and time stated.
EFA - The iShares MSCI EAFE ETF is an exchange-traded fund based on the MSCI EAFE Index, which is composed of large- and mid-capitalization developed market equities, excluding the U.S. and Canada.
GLD - The SPDR® Gold Trust is an exchange-traded investment trust that holds physical gold bars and seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the price performance of gold bullion.
QQQ - Invesco QQQTM is an exchange-traded fund based on the Nasdaq-100 Index®, which is an unmanaged index that includes 100 of the largest domestic and international nonfinancial companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market based on market capitalization.
SPY - SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust is an exchange-traded fund based on the S&P 500 Index, which is an unmanaged index of 500 companies used to measure large-cap U.S. stock market performance.
IWM - IShares Russell 2000 ETF is an exchange-traded fund based on the Russell 2000 Index which is composed of small-capitalization U.S. equities.
RSP - The Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight ETF (RSP) is an exchange-traded fund that is designed to track the returns of the S&P 500® Equal Weight Index. The S&P 500® Equal Weight Index is designed to be a size neutral version of the S&P 500® Index, an unmanaged index of 500 companies used to measure large-cap U.S. stock market performance.
The outcome values may only be realized for an investor who holds shares for the outcome period shown.
Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and current performance may be higher or lower than performance quoted. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate and shares when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.
Standardized fund performance can be found on each fund's summary page by clicking on the fund name or ticker shown above.
Market Data by Xignite
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