Tax Exempt Municipal Income, 333  Ticker: FGOEYX
This unit investment trust seeks investors with income exempt from federal and applicable state and local income tax and to preserve capital by investing in a portfolio of investment grade municipal bonds.
Please note that there is no assurance the objective will be met.
Product Code: FT333
Portfolio Status: Secondary
Initial Offer Date: 02/15/2024
Secondary Date: 03/19/2024
Wtd Avg Maturity: 26.1
ELTR Life: 26.1
Tax Structure: Regulated Investment Company
Initial Offer Price: $1,002.3400
NAV(*): $948.2600
POP(*): $984.7100
PAR(*): $1,001.5000
Remaining Deferred Sales Charge: $0.0000
* As of Trade Date: 02/07/2025 4:00pm ET
The Public Offering Price (POP) represents the net asset value per unit plus any applicable organization costs and sales charges. The Net Asset Value (NAV) represents the value per unit of a trust’s portfolio securities and other assets reduced by applicable deferred sales charges and other liabilities.

 Income Information
CUSIP Frequency / Distributions Accrued Interest Estimated Annual Income Estimated Current Return Estimated Long Term Return
33741C405 Monthly $3.0800 $36.9300 3.750% 3.810%

 Holdings  Export Current Holdings | View Initial Holdings  
CUSIPParDescriptionS&P RatingStCouponMaturity(M)
Call Date
072024WG3 130,000 BAY AREA CA TOLL AUTH TOLL BRIDGE REV 3%, due 04/01/2054  AA- CA 3.00000 04/01/2054M 10/01/2029 100.0000
130179UW2 420,000 CALIFORNIA ST EDUCTNL FACS AUTH 4.25%, due 11/01/2048  NR CA 4.25000 11/01/2048M 11/01/2033 100.0000
134290TF2 340,000 CAMPBELL CNTY KY SCH DIST FIN CORP 4.125%, due 02/01/2049  NR KY 4.12500 02/01/2049M 02/01/2033 100.0000
19428UFY8 300,000 CLG OF THE SEQUOIAS CA TULARE AREA IMPT DIST 3 3%, due 08/01/2051  NR CA 3.00000 08/01/2051M 08/01/2029 100.0000
235308Q22 250,000 DALLAS TX INDEP SCH DIST 4%, due 02/15/2054  AAA TX 4.00000 02/15/2054M 02/15/2033 100.0000
267045NG3 250,000 DUTCHESS CNTY NY LOCAL DEV CORP REV 4%, due 07/01/2049  A+ NY 4.00000 07/01/2049M 07/01/2030 100.0000
409328AT8 310,000 HAMPTON ROADS VA TRANSPRTN ACCT COMMN 4%, due 07/01/2050  AA VA 4.00000 07/01/2050M 07/01/2030 100.0000
513174J37 175,000 LAMAR TX CONSOL INDEP SCH DIST 4.25%, due 02/15/2053  AA- TX 4.25000 02/15/2053M 02/15/2033 100.0000
584283HD0 250,000 MEDFORD OR HOSP FACS AUTH REV 4%, due 08/15/2050  A+ OR 4.00000 08/15/2050M 08/15/2030 100.0000
59334DNG5 250,000 MIAMI-DADE CNTY FL WTR & SWR REV 4%, due 10/01/2051  AA- FL 4.00000 10/01/2051M 10/01/2031 100.0000
6049203D8 250,000 MINNESOTA ST AGRIC & ECON DEV BRD 4%, due 01/01/2049  A MN 4.00000 01/01/2049M 01/01/2034 100.0000
66283AHV1 200,000 N TX MUNI WTR DIST REGL WSTWTR SYS 4.25%, due 06/01/2047  AA TX 4.25000 06/01/2047M 06/01/2032 100.0000
645790QD1 250,000 NEW JERSEY ST HLTH CARE FACS FING AUTH 4%, due 07/01/2051  AA- NJ 4.00000 07/01/2051M 07/01/2031 100.0000
647370JR7 210,000 NEW MEXICO ST HOSP EQUIPMENT LOAN COUNCIL 4%, due 08/01/2048  AA- NM 4.00000 08/01/2048M 08/01/2029 100.0000
64972JGX0 250,000 NEW YORK NY CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN AUTH 4.25%, due 02/01/2054  AAA NY 4.25000 02/01/2054M 02/01/2034 100.0000
67756DZG4 165,000 OHIO ST HGR EDUCTNL FAC COMMN 3%, due 11/01/2050  AA OH 3.00000 11/01/2050M 05/01/2031 100.0000
67920Q3Y2 450,000 OKLAHOMA ST WTR RES BRD ST LOAN PGM REV 4.125%, due 10/01/2053  AAA OK 4.12500 10/01/2053M 10/01/2031 100.0000
70917S6Y4 230,000 PENNSYLVANIA ST HGR EDUCTNL FACS AUTH 4%, due 08/15/2049  AA PA 4.00000 08/15/2049M 08/15/2029 100.0000
709225CD6 150,000 PENNSYLVANIA ST TURNPIKE COMMN TPK REV 4%, due 12/01/2051  AA- PA 4.00000 12/01/2051M 06/01/2031 100.0000
723260AX3 445,000 PINELLAS PARK FL CAPITAL IMPT REV 4.25%, due 09/01/2052  AA FL 4.25000 09/01/2052M 09/01/2032 100.0000
873519PZ9 205,000 TACOMA WA ELEC SYS REVENUE 4%, due 01/01/2051  AA WA 4.00000 01/01/2051M 07/01/2031 100.0000
896035DD1 250,000 TRIBOROUGH NY BRIDGE & TUNNEL AUTH 4%, due 05/15/2054  AA+ NY 4.00000 05/15/2054M 05/15/2034 100.0000
Total Number of Holdings:    22

Risk Considerations

Buy & Hold Risk – Tax-Free Trusts. This UIT is a buy and hold strategy and investors should consider their ability to hold the trust until maturity.

Market Disruption Risk. Ongoing armed conflicts between Russia and Ukraine in Europe and among Israel, Hamas and other militant groups in the Middle East, have caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities could have a significant impact on certain investments as well as performance.

Municipal Bonds Risk. Municipal bonds are subject to numerous risks, including higher interest rates, economic recession, deterioration of the municipal bond market, possible downgrades and defaults of interest and/or principal.

Public Health Crisis Risk. A public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks in response, could cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects.

Volatility Risk. The value of the securities held by the trust may be subject to steep declines or increased volatility due to changes in performance or perception of the issuers.

Operational Risk. As the use of Internet technology has become more prevalent in the course of business, the trust has become more susceptible to potential operational risks through breaches in cybersecurity.

Estimated current return is determined by dividing a Trust's estimated net annual interest income per unit by the public offering price per unit. Estimated long-term return is a measure of the estimated return over the estimated life of a Trust. Unlike estimated current return, estimated long-term return reflects maturities, estimated principal prepayments, Trust charges and expenses, and discounts and premiums of securities in a Trust. Returns and prices will fluctuate. Consult a prospectus for a more complete description of the estimated current return and estimated long-term return calculations.

Some of the information may have been obtained from third parties, including ratings from credit ratings agencies such as Standard & Poor's. Reproduction and distribution of third party content in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of the related third party. Third party content providers do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including ratings, and are not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or for the results obtained from the use of such content. THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS GIVE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. THIRD PARTY CONTENT PROVIDERS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, COMPESATORY, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, COSTS, EXPENSES, LEGAL FEES, OR LOSSES (INCLUDING LOST INCOME OR PROFITS AND OPPORTUNITY COSTS) IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THEIR CONTENT, INCLUDING RATINGS. Credit ratings are statements of opinions and are not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not address the suitability of securities or the suitability of securities for investment purposes, and should not be relied on as investment advice. Please see the prospectus for a full description of the bond ratings.

You should carefully consider the trust's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses before investing. Contact your financial professional or call First Trust Portfolios, L.P. at 1.800.621.1675 to request a prospectus, which contains this and other information about the trust. Read it carefully before you invest.

This product information does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any state to any person to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer. Sales of any of these securities must include prospectus delivery and the services of a retail broker/dealer duly licensed in the appropriate states.

Not FDIC Insured, Not Bank Guaranteed and May Lose Value.

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