First Trust Income Opportunities ETF (FCEF)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
2/26/2021 $23.15 $23.15 $23.16 4,583 $32,527,526
2/25/2021 $23.15 $23.12 $23.10 7,675 $32,484,644
2/24/2021 $23.55 $23.50 $23.49 2,441 $33,014,350
2/23/2021 $23.37 $23.35 $23.36 683 $32,801,091
2/22/2021 $23.44 $23.43 $23.45 2,612 $32,922,236
2/19/2021 $23.69 $23.64 $23.67 2,223 $33,209,548
2/18/2021 $23.48 $23.56 $23.56 3,127 $33,097,079
2/17/2021 $23.64 $23.64 $23.65 2,009 $33,214,451
2/16/2021 $23.57 $23.64 $23.63 2,637 $33,219,246
2/12/2021 $23.67 $23.69 $23.68 3,896 $33,290,131
2/11/2021 $23.70 $23.64 $23.62 773 $33,212,495
2/10/2021 $23.67 $23.69 $23.69 1,330 $33,278,990
2/9/2021 $23.64 $23.65 $23.65 14,736 $33,231,120
2/8/2021 $23.46 $23.52 $23.47 6,886 $33,044,571
2/5/2021 $23.37 $23.39 $23.39 1,966 $32,862,891
2/4/2021 $23.32 $23.27 $23.26 3,758 $32,691,399
2/3/2021 $23.18 $23.13 $23.12 1,465 $32,492,416
2/2/2021 $23.03 $23.05 $23.07 7,638 $32,379,190
2/1/2021 $22.86 $22.78 $22.76 46,303 $32,000,374


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.